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The role


We act to support your business at every stage of its growth and evolution.

Our entrepreneurial experiences and expertise cover strategy, execution, business management, marketing, financing, mergers and acquisitions, and external governance, thus ensuring your company's prosperity in a competitive market.

We take a hands-on approach to help you achieve your company's full potential.

Our interventions are designed to support your company at every stage. Our commitment to excellence and strategic approach ensures your business is equipped to navigate the complexities of growth and transformation, leading to sustainable success.

Strategy Execution

  • Strategy and Planning: We collaborate with you to develop growth strategies tailored to your business needs and market conditions, ensuring your company is well-positioned for success. Then, we design execution plans aligned with corporate goals in collaboration with your teams to ensure efficient and effective implementation that engages the teams.


  • Execution of Strategies and Plans: We deploy the OKR practice, a proven and successful agile execution methodology to support hypergrowth. We develop and enhance leadership, engagement, and individual and team accountability. Progress measurement is possible thanks to an OKR software that ensures focus, alignment, and effective tracking.


  • Implementation Support: We offer dedicated support during the implementation of new strategies and processes to ensure smooth transitions. Our hands-on assistance helps your team adapt to changes seamlessly, minimizing disruptions and maximizing efficiency.


  • Committees and Meetings: We assist in organizing committees and meetings to improve strategic and operational performance. The goal is to encourage high-value decisions and actions, eliminate time wastage, and ensure the achievement of desired objectives.


  • Reflection and Decision Support: Our strategic advice is based on decades of experience across various sectors. We help you navigate complex business challenges with practical expertise-based recommendations, providing the necessary direction to make informed decisions.


  • Performance Monitoring: We continuously monitor performance indicators to dynamically adjust strategies and promote sustained growth. By keeping a close eye, we proactively address issues and capitalize on opportunities, maintaining a steady trajectory toward your goals.



  • Market Penetration: We design and implement strategies to effectively enter and grow in new markets. Our market penetration strategies are tailored to your business, ensuring successful entry and growth in new territories.

  • Commercialization: We actively participate and collaborate in positioning and commercialization strategies to enhance the ability to attract desired customers. Our expertise strategically supports teams to improve positioning communication and sales management.

  • Strategic Alliances: We help form valuable partnerships that strengthen your market position and open new growth opportunities. By leveraging strategic alliances, we help your business expand its reach and capabilities.

  • Ecosystem and Network: We use our extensive network to connect you with key stakeholders, investors, and industry experts. Our connections open doors to new opportunities and provide valuable insights and resources.

  • Inter-Collaboration: We build and nurture business ecosystems that drive innovation and collaborative growth. Our approach fosters a network of interconnected businesses that support each other and enhance their success.




  • Market Penetration: We design and implement strategies to effectively enter and grow in new markets. Our market penetration strategies are tailored to your business, ensuring successful entry and growth in new territories.

  • Commercialization: We actively participate and collaborate in positioning and commercialization strategies to enhance the ability to attract desired customers. Our expertise strategically supports teams to improve positioning communication and sales management.

  • Strategic Alliances: We help form valuable partnerships that strengthen your market position and open new growth opportunities. By leveraging strategic alliances, we help your business expand its reach and capabilities.

  • Ecosystem and Network: We use our extensive network to connect you with key stakeholders, investors, and industry experts. Our connections open doors to new opportunities and provide valuable insights and resources.


  • Inter-Collaboration: We build and nurture business ecosystems that drive innovation and collaborative growth. Our approach fosters a network of interconnected businesses that support each other and enhance their success.



  • Target Identification: We identify high-potential acquisition targets that align with your strategic objectives. Our thorough analysis ensures that potential acquisitions are a good fit for your business.


  • Due Diligence: We conduct in-depth due diligence to assess the financial health and strategic fit of potential acquisitions. Our meticulous evaluation minimizes risks and ensures informed decision-making.


  • Integration Planning: We develop detailed integration plans to ensure smooth and successful mergers. Our integration strategies help seamlessly combine operations, cultures, and systems.


  • Post-Acquisition Support: We provide ongoing support after acquisition to effectively integrate operations, cultures, and systems. Our continuous support ensures successful mergers and delivers expected benefits.




  • Board Formation: We form advisory boards with seasoned professionals who provide oversight of strategic directions, ensuring your company benefits from experienced and well-informed governance.


  • Governance Practices: We implement best governance practices to enhance accountability and transparency. Our governance strategies promote a culture of responsibility and openness.


  • Strategic Oversight: We ensure the board provides strategic direction and supports the management team in achieving business goals. Our oversight helps align board activities with your company’s objectives.


  • Long-Term Vision: We foster a long-term vision for sustainable growth and value creation. Our strategic approach ensures your company is well-positioned for future success, with a clear path to achieving long-term goals.


  • Risk Mitigation: We identify risks and develop contingency plans to protect your business from unforeseen challenges. Our proactive risk management approach supports resilience and adaptability to changing circumstances.


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